Thursday, July 14, 2011

From start till the end.

So... A friend asked what happened to the paper figure from this old post, an instillation piece I did earlier this year. I thought I should do a post about the instillation piece. I don't have much photos, but here we go!

News paper birds, covered up with old animation papers and  wall paper paste. I used corrugated card board for the wings.

Same process as above.
In exchange for a deer's head, I requested some friends to help fold hundreds of mini paper cranes, and they helped me further with the installation of the cranes. :')

After hours of trial and error, the instillation was finally up! It was quite a joy to walk around the hanging paper cranes.

Cameo of someone's butt and other student's works.

After six months of spooking people, collecting dust and threats from the father lord to charge rent for taking up space, paper figure finally hit the bin. :(

The birds live on, in a store at far east shopping center. :)
Well, that's it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Experiments and explorations.

This one was re-sketched and carefully inked.

And so, I have found something to draw that fills the sketchbook.  Great brain busting activity.
The results that you get at the end is rather fascinating. The aim  was to  practice depth and careful planning. Yup,  just inks.

I've been drawing wolves lately.
wolves + spaghetti = your doom.

Another depth experiment thing.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Appa and Momo

Zombie Appa. That can't be good.
Appa and Momo from Avatar the Last Airbender. Probably one of the best cartoon series out there.